FS2004 Steamship, complete with panel and effect. Based on the original post and passenger ship "Prinz Heinrich", build in 1909. The real ship will be rebuild now and enter service 2010 or so. The detailed FS-model of this beautiful steamer is from Wolfgang Faber and was originaly an CFS2 ai-ship. It has a virtual bridge and showes detailed decks. This is a stearable version for FS2004. The 2D-Panel showes the bridge and in all other directions the virtual bridge as VC. Additional there are 8 different virtual deck views. Panel and configuration for all the views by Erwin Welker
1. Copy the Steamship Prinz Heinrich into the aircraft folder.
2. Copy the smoke-effect into effect-folder of the main directory of your Fs2004
3. Replace the sound by an appropriate one or alias it by another one.

Num Pad 1 - 9 = Virtual views from the bridge.
Num Pad 5 (shift function)
plus 1 - 9: = Different views from the foredeck or from the sundeck.
Num Pad 5 only Engine room

I (for smokeeffects) to enable the steamersmoke

Many thanks to Wolfgang Faber, who made the great steamship. He gave me his permission to upload this stearable version.

Many thanks also to all other of the creative persons, who do such a great work.
I am sorry, but I do not know from whom all the gauges and effects are. I have to many of them.


This file is FREEWARE. It should not harm your computer, but you install it on your own risk.
Don't make any money with it. It is not permitted to use it for commercial-purpose.


More Files with my work at SurClaro

Any comments to:

Happy landings

Erwin Welker
23. September 2009